Saturday, September 25, 2010

(Travel) NYC or Vegas?

New York City or Las Vegas? 

The "Big Apple", "Gotham City", "The City That Never Sleeps" or "Sin City", "The Marriage Capital of the World"?  Which is better?  Both cities are unique in their own way.  The scenery is wonderful, the sites are amazing, the aerial view is just fantastic.  You can definitely find something to do in both cities.  Both cities can be romantic in its own way.  Best of all, both cities are very historic. 

To each is own I guess.  In other words, it depends on who you ask.  As for me... NYC all the way.  Vegas is fun and all but it's one of those been there done that and unless I'm a chronic gambler what else can I do in Vegas.  Once, maybe twice a year may seem like a lot but it's cool when you go with friends, get your drink on, play a couple of the tables, site see, etc.  You also have to deal with people that don't know how to drink, the smell of smoke, etc.  All tolerable things to have to deal with but why do I want to spend money on that stuff. 

Here's a comment I heard once and I think it makes a lot of sense.  New York City is more for the intellectuals who like to have fun whereas Las Vegas is more for brutes who have a different idea of fun.  Don't need prostitutes, don't care for drinking and acting like a fool in the streets, and don't really gamble.  So tell me, should I spend the money on going to Vegas or should I travel to NYC and look at the sites, drink at the bars/clubs (thousands to choose from), world foods, beach, four seasons, Broadway shows, any sport you can think of including boxing, the list goes on.  You want romance, take your lady to Central Park and ride on a horse carriage.  I mean, I can be here forever. 

There's a reason why millions of people say I love New York.  There's a reason why millions of people who have never been to New York City want to visit New York City.  Sorry Las Vegas, I love New York!  It's my "empire state of mind".