I don’t vote but, that’s a whole other blog. I do want to talk about California Proposition 8 (2008) though. The gist of Prop 8 is that “Only marriages between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California”. Simple enough right? Not so fast… There are men who want to marry men and there are women who want to marry women. That’s not normal is it? By “today’s” standards, it’s not. But at one point in our nation’s history interracial marriage was also frowned upon and according to the US Census Bureau, interracial marriage is more common today than ever before. Could gay marriage claim that same realization?
Despite my beliefs/religion, I have always supported Prop 8, wondering why homosexuals want or need to get married. Marriage began as a religion thing anyway right? And don’t gay men and women have the benefit of claiming domestic partnership, something I as a straight man am not privileged to do. In order for me to claim my girlfriend for medical benefits at work I’d have to marry her. I’m not ready to marry her, but same sex partners could claim their boyfriends or girlfriends on their employers benefit programs via domestic partnership laws. I never thought that was fair but then again at least I had the option of marriage whereas same sex partners don’t. I also felt that should California allow same sex marriage then where would it end? Can a man ask to marry his dog? Can a woman ask to marry her biological brother? If marriage is currently only valid between a man and a woman then by allowing same sex marriage would mean that other people who want to marry let’s say their dog or brother would want to exercise their “constitutional” rights to marry as well. Not to mention that one of my gay friends actually voted for Prop 8 stating that he does not want to marry his boyfriend and wants to continue to take advantage of domestic partnership.
Well, I guess this is a great introduction as to why I don’t vote. I don’t vote because I never know all of the facts. I never really do my research. Another one of my gay friends answered the one question I really had on the whole subject and that is why? Why do gay men and women want to get married, why do they want that right? Well, not all states honor domestic partnership. So if I were gay living in California and found a great job that I was completely qualified for in another state that does not honor domestic partnership, I’d miss out on a great opportunity because my rights would be different in that state in regards to my partner. Now all states honor legal marriages and if I were to be married to my partner then my rights would be honored nationwide and in essence most countries in the world. It’s not so much a point that is trying to be made, it’s a right.
I don’t agree with Prop 8 anymore. I just hope that gay men and women don’t just rush and get married because they can. It’s the same as same sex couples. You have to know that person is the one. Marriage is a big step, it’s a big commitment. For those that are still opposed, consider the facts, it’s not about you, it’s about humanity and you need to remember that we are all different, though we’re not the same, we are “One”.