Thursday, November 25, 2010

(Politics/Travel) Pat DOWN and Shut UP

If I go to a restaurant, I expect my host or hostess to take me to my seat, it’s their job.  When I am seated I expect someone to take my order and someone to bring me my food.  It’s what I pay for and it’s what they are being paid to do.  With that being said, when I purchase tickets to fly on an airline, I expect and agree to have the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) protect my well being.  If that means search me or “touch my junk”, then by all means, “touch my junk”.  Neither I, nor anyone else should get upset with a TSA agent for doing his or her job. 
I’m sure by now many of you have gotten some wind of all the hoopla going on with TSA screenings and how some may feel it’s a little too invasive and some have even resulted to comparing the screening to sexual harassment.  Seriously, SEXUAL HARASSMENT… Give me a break.  Look, I understand being a little stand-offish about the scanners because of fears of radiation.  But if you decline going through the scanner then your other options are to get patted down by a TSA agent or leave.  Let me remind you that when you purchase your tickets, whether you read the fine print or not, you already agreed to TSA procedures, screenings, and pat downs.  Now that you all of a sudden have to go through with it, you get defensive.  What is it that you have to hide?  By you I mean Mr. Tyner seen all over the news and YouTube recently after him secretly video recording his experience at an airport terminal getting ready to be screened.  If you have not already seen the video, click here.  So I’ve heard most of your interviews and how you go on and on about not having anything on you such as a bomb or what not,  If you don’t have anything illegal on your person then why all the fuss?  What exactly are you trying to hide?  I’ll just let my readers comment on what they think you’re hiding. 
In the mean time, I will say this.  I served my country in the United States Military and I just so happen to know a little more than the average person about threats to our Country and so forth.  September 11th hit a little too close to home for me because I am from New York City and my family still resides in New York City.  When 9/11 happened I was already deployed to a remote location in the Middle East.  I take my safety to heart and it’s definitely not a joke when I travel.  It shouldn’t be a joke to anyone who travels.  This is very serious and I would hate to be the guy on the ground or in the air that gets hurt or dies because my government didn’t do everything in their power to protect its citizens because one man made a big deal about how invasive TSA screening is. 
Who in their right mind would want our TSA agents to be more laxed and just let anyone go through our airports and fly on our planes and not screen individuals as they see fit.  In fact, because today is Thanksgiving, thank you men and women of TSA.  Thank you of course to the men and women of our Armed Forces.  Thank you America for such a wonderful country that we live in.  Because of our military, our local law enforcement, our government, and yes, even our TSA agents "I am not afraid of anything in this world". 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

(Polictics) Cinco de Americano

I’m not sure if any of you have heard the story of the five students that were sent home from school on Cinco de Mayo (2010) for wearing American Flag shirts and shorts in Morgan Hill, California.  If not go ahead and watch the video below and/or click here  Well, what do you guys think?  Who’s right?  Who’s wrong?  Well, obviously I have an opinion.  My opinion… No one is right.  They are both wrong.  They being, the school officials, all of the students involved, and the parents. 

I understand that the day is a holiday primarily celebrated by Hispanics of Mexican descent.  I say primarily because let’s face it, not just Mexicans celebrate the holiday.  Many of us take advantage of the party’s around the neighborhoods and the deals at the bars and restaurants.  No need for a history lesson on how the holiday commemorates the Mexican Army’s victory over France.  So to get to the point, Cinco de Mayo is a holiday primarily celebrated by Mexicans and in a school in Morgan Hill, five students decided to go to school with shirts and shorts representing the American Flag.  Because there are many sides to every story I’ll try not to speculate what may have really happened and what was really said but school officials advised the students to take off their shirts, turn them around or go home.  Why would school officials do or say such a thing?  The principal is Mexican could that be a reason?  Maybe the school officials were protecting the five students?  Who knows?  As for the students who showed up to school with their illustrations of the American Flag, there’s nothing wrong with that right?  Of course not, they live in America and regardless of what holiday it is they have absolutely every right to wear images of their country on the shirts.  Just like a New York Yankees fan has every right to go into Fenway Park in Boston to watch a Yankees vs. Red Sox game.  That person just has to expect to get booed, cussed at, or even have food thrown at them.  Are these students prepared for all of that and in the case with students they may even get into physical confrontations.  Are they ready or, should they take their shirts off, turn their shirts around, or go home? 

As for the students who are offended that the five students wore their shirts and shorts depicting the American Flag, seriously…  Are you really that offended?  You’re in America celebrating a holiday that is not even as significant as Mexican Independence Day which I’m willing to bet that most of the students in the school don’t even know what day it falls on.  By the way, that would be September 16th.  Even if I’m wrong about that last comment, it’s not “disrespectful” to wear a shirt with illustrations of an American flag at an American high school despite the holiday.  The intentions of the five students may or may not have been so innocent but regardless, they are Americans attending an American High School, wearing American paraphernalia.  There are much bigger things going on in our world.  To threaten or to want to fight over what someone else is wearing begs the question “What’s going on”?   

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

(Sports) Replay, No Play...

So what’s with all of these sports media guys and gals talking about instant replay in baseball?  If not all then at least 99% of all of the people who are making this claim probably doesn’t even care for baseball.  Baseball enthusiasts believe one thing about that topic and that is, no instant replay.  Baseball is an all American sport and it’s one of the oldest sports in America.  There is so much rich history and so many records.  With instant replay you tend to take away some of the great moments in baseball history.  It makes some of baseball history invalid.  Because of the human element, there have been bad calls’ dating back to the late 1800’s where baseball was in its infancy.  I understand that technology is the present and the future and yes we have seen on replay the many bad calls that have been made throughout baseball but, it’s baseball. 

One argument I’ve heard time and time again is the length of the game of baseball and that with instant replay it may take too long.  Then there are others who say that managers coming out to argue take longer than an umpire viewing a questionable call on instant replay.  And that may very well be true.  BUT, one thing that I have noticed in my many years of watching the great sport of baseball is that the fans love when managers come out to argue despite however long it may take.  For or against the manager, at the park or on television, it is one of the excitements of baseball when a manager comes out to argue a questionable call.  Why would anyone want to take that away? 

I love the fact that umpires have their own strike zone, it makes the game interesting.  I love the fact that there is a human element to baseball, it makes the game interesting.  Imagine the baseball world with instant replay…  The sport would just not be as exciting.  It would consist of pure let’s just check the replay and there would be no exciting arguments, no one getting upset, nothing to talk about the next day at work, it would just be plain boring.  To some baseball is boring enough now imagine taking away the excitement of questionable calls that even instant replay doesn’t always get right.  Do not take away the human component of baseball with technology, its fun the way it is.  Let’s just play ball or better yet, “put me in coach, I’m ready to play”. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

(Politics) Prop 8 a Little too Late

I don’t vote but, that’s a whole other blog.  I do want to talk about California Proposition 8 (2008) though.  The gist of Prop 8 is that “Only marriages between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California”.  Simple enough right?  Not so fast…  There are men who want to marry men and there are women who want to marry women.  That’s not normal is it?  By “today’s” standards, it’s not.  But at one point in our nation’s history interracial marriage was also frowned upon and according to the US Census Bureau, interracial marriage is more common today than ever before.  Could gay marriage claim that same realization? 

Despite my beliefs/religion, I have always supported Prop 8, wondering why homosexuals want or need to get married.  Marriage began as a religion thing anyway right?  And don’t gay men and women have the benefit of claiming domestic partnership, something I as a straight man am not privileged to do.  In order for me to claim my girlfriend for medical benefits at work I’d have to marry her.  I’m not ready to marry her, but same sex partners could claim their boyfriends or girlfriends on their employers benefit programs via domestic partnership laws.  I never thought that was fair but then again at least I had the option of marriage whereas same sex partners don’t.  I also felt that should California allow same sex marriage then where would it end?  Can a man ask to marry his dog?  Can a woman ask to marry her biological brother?  If marriage is currently only valid between a man and a woman then by allowing same sex marriage would mean that other people who want to marry let’s say their dog or brother would want to exercise their “constitutional” rights to marry as well.  Not to mention that one of my gay friends actually voted for Prop 8 stating that he does not want to marry his boyfriend and wants to continue to take advantage of domestic partnership.

Well, I guess this is a great introduction as to why I don’t vote.  I don’t vote because I never know all of the facts.  I never really do my research.  Another one of my gay friends answered the one question I really had on the whole subject and that is why?  Why do gay men and women want to get married, why do they want that right?  Well, not all states honor domestic partnership.  So if I were gay living in California and found a great job that I was completely qualified for in another state that does not honor domestic partnership, I’d miss out on a great opportunity because my rights would be different in that state in regards to my partner.  Now all states honor legal marriages and if I were to be married to my partner then my rights would be honored nationwide and in essence most countries in the world.  It’s not so much a point that is trying to be made, it’s a right. 

I don’t agree with Prop 8 anymore.  I just hope that gay men and women don’t just rush and get married because they can.  It’s the same as same sex couples.  You have to know that person is the one.  Marriage is a big step, it’s a big commitment.  For those that are still opposed, consider the facts, it’s not about you, it’s about humanity and you need to remember that we are all different, though we’re not the same, we are “One”. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

(Travel) LA County Fair isn't Fair

Ok, so I went to the LA County Fair in Pomona California last week.  WOW!!!  That was the biggest waste of money I have ever spent in my life.  My family and I went on a Saturday evening after a long day at school, work, errands, etc.  We were pretty tired so we decided to pay for the VIP parking which was a whopping $20.  The benefit of that was parking near the entrance.  So that was my bad because I should have just paid the $10 for general parking and take the shuttle (I think the shuttle is free???).  Anywho, we paid for VIP and were able to walk to the entrance and still had to pay $17 a pop for each of us and $12 for my kid.  Well… maybe that’ll mean I get something in return for having to pay just to enter right… WRONG!!!  We still had to pay to get on the rides.  The food and the drinks were outrageously priced.  We paid twelve dollars for ONE funnel cake with whip cream.  TWELVE DOLLARS!!!  It was only the size of my hand and I’m not a big person to say the least. 

I’m not sure who runs the show here but what are they thinking?  Speaking of shows, you have to pay extra for that too.  What’s the entrance fee for anyway?  Geez, I’d rather pay to go to Disneyland or Knott’s Berry Farm or something where at least I can ride any of the rides as many times as I want. 

Needless to say, I learned my lesson.  I work too hard for my money…  What do I get, “Another day older and deeper in debt”. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

(Travel) NYC or Vegas?

New York City or Las Vegas? 

The "Big Apple", "Gotham City", "The City That Never Sleeps" or "Sin City", "The Marriage Capital of the World"?  Which is better?  Both cities are unique in their own way.  The scenery is wonderful, the sites are amazing, the aerial view is just fantastic.  You can definitely find something to do in both cities.  Both cities can be romantic in its own way.  Best of all, both cities are very historic. 

To each is own I guess.  In other words, it depends on who you ask.  As for me... NYC all the way.  Vegas is fun and all but it's one of those been there done that and unless I'm a chronic gambler what else can I do in Vegas.  Once, maybe twice a year may seem like a lot but it's cool when you go with friends, get your drink on, play a couple of the tables, site see, etc.  You also have to deal with people that don't know how to drink, the smell of smoke, etc.  All tolerable things to have to deal with but why do I want to spend money on that stuff. 

Here's a comment I heard once and I think it makes a lot of sense.  New York City is more for the intellectuals who like to have fun whereas Las Vegas is more for brutes who have a different idea of fun.  Don't need prostitutes, don't care for drinking and acting like a fool in the streets, and don't really gamble.  So tell me, should I spend the money on going to Vegas or should I travel to NYC and look at the sites, drink at the bars/clubs (thousands to choose from), world foods, beach, four seasons, Broadway shows, any sport you can think of including boxing, the list goes on.  You want romance, take your lady to Central Park and ride on a horse carriage.  I mean, I can be here forever. 

There's a reason why millions of people say I love New York.  There's a reason why millions of people who have never been to New York City want to visit New York City.  Sorry Las Vegas, I love New York!  It's my "empire state of mind".